Our Services
If you are a business owner, attorney, trustee, or conservator of an estate, and are tasked with managing assets where a business is involved that is ailing from a family/partnership dispute and the business is muddling along and you are seeking guidance, then we may be able to help. Fill out your information on the Contact page to get started.
We can help you with:
Advising business owners, attorneys, trustees, and conservators of an estate on estate matters as they pertain to operating businesses.
Being placed on the board of directors to help transition or improve your business
Provide business consulting and business advisory services
Divorce business and family partners
Selling assets
Receivership or Referee appointments
Trustee of Estates. Assets must exceed $10 million or more in value
Does your business need an unbiased leader at the table? If so, we can help.
Board of Directors,
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Turnaround Specialists
It is not uncommon in family-run or closely held partnership businesses that emotions can run hot, creating discord among the owners.
We can step into the business and help right the ship. We have participated in over 150 businesses where we have restructured debt, reorganized, stabilized, and sold businesses & real estate.
We provide a steady hand and the ability to sign on the dotted line. We have helped family estates, dueling partners, and litigating parties find solutions to challenging questions. We are turnaround specialists and alternative dispute resolution professionals, skilled in solving problems. If you need an adult in the room, then please reach out.

Are you struggling with a business partnership dispute?
You're not alone. Many partnerships find themselves in the same situation. Not only does your partnership suffer, but your business, finances, and customers can become collateral damage.
You have options. Click the button below to learn more and to download your free partnership dispute eBook.